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Re: proposed conlang database

From:Anthony M. Miles <theophilus88@...>
Date:Saturday, March 16, 2002, 6:57
>Message: 8 > Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 08:55:13 -0800 > From: Garrett Jones <alkaline@...> >Subject: Re: proposed conlang database > > >
>Is Lahabic fully developed now? Meaning, have you fully decided on all the >grammar, and have most of the primary vocabulary decided on, and are only >adding more esoteric vocabulary now? Or are you still messing around with >grammar and changing words around? This category is more of the status in >the real world, as opposed to how it's used in the fictional world. > >
I have decided on all the grammatical situations I can think of (obviously, I may have missed something). The primary vocabulary is decided (with the caveat that I can't always 'remember' it, since languages studied for grades take up most of that space). I consider Lahabic a very poetic language, and therefore likely to generate new, analyzable words at the drop of a hat. _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at