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Re: USAGE: YAEUT: "proper"

From:Ina van der Vegt <gijsstrider@...>
Date:Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 9:06
2009/1/13 R A Brown <ray@...>:
> Mark J. Reed wrote: >I also agree that "Everyone get back to your proper seat!" > sounds somewhat stilted & formal.
Archaic language usually feels stilted and formal, unless it's so archaic it becomes theatrical. Just look at the language in books from the early 20th century, and imagine people talking to others like being done in those books. It'll likely seem stilted and formal, even though it was not in that time frame. Now, not everything that feels stilted and formal is archaic, but since E. Raigmore seems to believe it was once common, it doesn't seem unlikily that it is needed to write this down as an archaic use of the word proper.