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Re: Perfect/imperfect vs Past/present/future

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Wednesday, July 3, 2002, 3:07
>Nihil Sum writes: > > > > I need to do some reading up on the differences between languages that
> > verbs in terms of past/present/future, and those (like the Semitic > > languages) that use only a perfect/imperfect distinction.
I've been wondering recently where so-called "realis-irrealis" fits into this-- or is it just another name for perfective/imperfective? Realis seems to indicate what did occur, has occured, is occurring. Irrealis seems to be what will/would/could/may occur. Philippine languages are often described as having realis/irrealis; but from the translated examples it seems more a past/present vs. future distinction. There is Bernard Comrie's book _Aspect_ (pb, Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics) which I've plowed through once, so far to little effect.


Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...>