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Re: THEORY: Auxiliaries

From:John Cowan <jcowan@...>
Date:Thursday, January 2, 2003, 12:22
Jean-François Colson scripsit:

> > I doubt I'd know a clitic if it jumped up and bit me > > The problem is that you forgot the beginning of the word. An enclitic (in > French: un enclitique) is a dull word which has the property to take supp= > ort > on a preceding word, carrying tone, and which is linked with it in the > pronunciation.
Just so, and a proclitic is the same, but comes before its supporting word. "Clitic" is a general term covering both enclitics and proclitics. French "je" can be either an enclitic or a proclitic. -- "In my last lifetime, John Cowan I believed in reincarnation; in this lifetime, I don't." --Thiagi