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Re: Hello...

From:H. S. Teoh <hsteoh@...>
Date:Sunday, November 12, 2000, 20:29
On Sun, Nov 12, 2000 at 12:11:18PM -0800, SMITH,MARCUS ANTHONY wrote:
> I think most people here will agree that this is a very common phenomenon. > There have been things that I wanted to put in my main conlang Telek that > just did not belong, and I was forced to take them out. COnversly, there > are times when I didn't want something, but was forced to add it anyways. > And I won't even talk about the pronunciation of words/morphemes.
[snip] Hmm, talking about changing things I don't want to... after skimming over the recent threads about phonetics/phonology (what's the diff again? :-P), I have this feeling that perhaps I've totally messed up my conlang's phonology, and need to completely rework it. The only problem is, so many things are already based on the existing system that it's going to be very hard to make any major changes. But ultimately, I may not really have a choice, since the current system is quite awkward and has a lot of pronunciation problems in places. T -- The diminished 7th chord is the most flexible and fear-instilling chord. Use it often, use it unsparingly, to subdue your listeners into submission!