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Re: Hello...

From:Jim Hopkins <espero9@...>
Date:Sunday, November 12, 2000, 22:42
Dralkadím tá vataranarése tá Diómit shóla!
(Welcome to the creator of the Diom language!)

Iíd sabút bashése kadimyára tá bredíay Drún.
(This greeting comes ti you from the planet Drun.)

Drún tá vanéyl tá Drúnit shóla onyára, véy tá feríven tá tormáta "Tá
Talmenshúnek Djanára".
(Drun is the home of the Druni language, and the subject of the novel "The
Enchantress of Djanar".)

Múku shtá dralkadimóva tá Ritarenése Sitsholárun bashése masinyáru!
(Once again I send you a welcome to the List of Constructed Languages!)

Jim H
Tá Druntán