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"He aha te mea nui?" translated

From:Wesley Parish <wes.parish@...>
Date:Monday, September 2, 2002, 9:38
Here is my sig translated into the three conlangs I've been fooling arouns
with.  The first is nu aves khara-ansha, the second is yhe vala lakha, the
third is li' anyerra-tarah.

Mau e ki, "He aha te mea nui?"

Ro   vrero, "Inu'e     nusha tihipleya?"
You say    "Is-what  thing   greatest?"

Fi'ainai   ata,  "Taiyha      yhe wareyha aratu?"
Say-you  to  "what (coll)  the  thing      great?"

Po'i  dusao, "Ut'or        i         li'    fau     i         li' urua?"
You  say     "Of-what   impers the   thing impers the great?"

Maku e ki, "He tangata, he tangata, he tangata."

Nye vrero, "I'ai   ineya.   I'ai ineya,    i'ai    ineya."
I       say    "It-is  people  It-is people  it-is  people"

Fi'ainaa tan,  "Ya liyhainya, ya liyhainya, ya liyhainya."
Say-I     from "It's  people     it's people     its  people"

En dusao, "Na'or       a      u  faitupraan, a u faitupraan,  a u faitupraan."
I    say      "It remains pers.indef,people, pers.indef,people,

Yhe vala lakha is in the colloquial idiom of Sekhrar Village, the current
central authority for Lakhabrech, Rakhebuitya and Ineya Khara Ansha.

Nu aves khara ansha is in the idiom of the Kennel of Nu Shelaisha Venya, the
only venya who has unquestioned authority outside her Kennel - though to be
fair, they have been changing such names since they appealed to the
Lakhabrech "Ina'iata lakhasun imati" - teach us freedom.

Li' anyerra-tarah is in the combined dialect of Tervidora Village, Na Ierrat
Village, and Li' Ra'eto Village, since they seem to be the most commonly
understood outside their immediate surrounds.

It's open!

Wesley Parish

Mau e ki, "He aha te mea nui?"
You ask, "What is the most important thing?"
Maku e ki, "He tangata, he tangata, he tangata."
I reply, "It is people, it is people, it is people."