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Re: Articles, determiners, quantifiers, whatever...

From:Rik Roots <rik@...>
Date:Saturday, July 3, 2004, 10:24
On Saturday 03 Jul 2004 01:33, Remi Villatel wrote:
> Hi everybody, >
Hi, Remi
> Hence my question: Do I have a very twisted mind? ;-) Well, in fact: Are > there some conlangs with a very complex system of acticles that goes beyond > "a, the, some"? >
The Gevey object "status" system includes features which in English would be rendered through articles - though the similarities are only approximate. There's more info on (which might seem like gobbledegook on the first read - but should become clearer once the difference between causative and applicative nouns is grasped). Rik