In memo, dato 02/04/26 11.27.23 AM, Mathias (kalatunu@HOTMAIL.COM) legografo:
>OBCONLANG: some conlangers make conlangs based on nouns only (allnoun)
>and some others based on verbs only (allverb). maybe this radical choice
shows the
>conlanger's psychology: allnoun makes everything outside time and shows
>a desire to escape the real world's decay--while allverb makes everything
>time and shows a desire to master the real world's blooming. may this line
set fire
>to the whole list! mwahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
::stares at Mathias:: Are you All-Right? Or All-Righted?
::aside to the list:: Me thinks Mathias has not been eating right, sleeping
right, right? ;) Or he is in his annual Mad Scientist Mode... again.
Hanuman Zhang, the Other Mad Lingua-Manglin' Scientist {HANoomaan JAHng}
/'hanuma~n dZahN/
Sometimes the difference between noise and music is all in your head
"I like the fact that listen is an anagram of silent." ~ Alfred Brendel
_NADA BRAHMA_= < from Sanskrit > "sound is god[head]"/"god[head] is sound"
anavriti shabdat => "Liberation by sound."
OM ... Om Tat Sat... Tat Tvam Asi... OM