> Everyone's enchanted with Henrik's schcompile right now (myself included), I
> know; but perhaps there's room for another sound change applier?
> With this hope I introduce rsca, a reversible sound change applier:
> I came up with the design for rsca in late February, but the demands of the
> school term meant I couldn't start seriously coding until a week or two ago,
> and now here it is. Some features are:
> - it can run sound changes backward, reconstructing earlier forms of words,
> as well as forwards (which as far as I know no other sound change applier does);
How does that work with mergers? E.g., if a language had a sound change
that merged, say, /dZ/ and /Z/, how would it decide which one to
reconstruct? Without looking at related languages/dialects, or possibly
inflectional forms within the language, there's no way of knowing which
one is the case.