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Re: Reversible sound change applier

From:Aidan Grey <taalenmaple@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 10, 2006, 14:05
Actually, check out IPAZounds, by Jamie Norrish. Not only does it do reverse
application, but it also uses IPA or XSAMPA, can group rules (you write the
rule for nasalization once, and then simply refer to Nasalization whenever you
need it again), can associate dates to rules (these rules all happen before
date 4, which = Middle Bobbic era), can associate dialects too, and will
shortly be able to do reverse by date and dialect as well.

Just google for IPAZounds.

Alex Fink <a4pq1injbok_0@...> wrote: Everyone's enchanted with Henrik's schcompile
right now (myself included), I
know; but perhaps there's room for another sound change applier?

With this hope I introduce rsca, a reversible sound change applier:

I came up with the design for rsca in late February, but the demands of the
school term meant I couldn't start seriously coding until a week or two ago,
and now here it is.  Some features are:
 - it can run sound changes backward, reconstructing earlier forms of words,
as well as forwards (which as far as I know no other sound change applier does);
 - it is fairly general in terms of the sound changes expressible;
 - it can understand X-SAMPA and (largely) CXS.


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Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>IPAZounds (was: Reversible sound change applier)
Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>