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Re: seasons in conlangs / cultures (was adj.)

From:andrew <hobbit@...>
Date:Tuesday, October 10, 2000, 8:27
Am 10/09 14:45  Carlos Thompson yscrifef:

> In our timeline, Peruvian fishers noted that heating of usually cold > waters (Humbold stream) usually came each ten or so years before > Christmas, and they related as something that came with "el niño Dios" > (child God: Jesus), then they called it "el Niño". I guess that in > Zera timeline, the name Remkaliba people called that fenomena would be > borrowed into English or something like that. >
Wouldn't they name it after a midsummer observance that is relevant to them? - andrew. -- Andrew Smith, Intheologus Death is something you never live to regret.