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Re: Labiodental plosives?

From:Joe <joe@...>
Date:Wednesday, February 25, 2004, 6:49
Tristan McLeay wrote:

> --- Trebor Jung <treborjung@...> wrote: > >Merhaba! > > >>Is there such a thing as a labiodental plosive? If >>so, how would it be >>pronounced? What languages have it? >> >> > >My upper lip is a bit on the short side so I sometimes >use a labiodental plosive instead of /p/ and /b/ when >speaking English, but I have no idea if it has any >phonemic status in a language (I can't hear the diff >b/n the labial stops). Upper teeth on lower lip. Say a >stop. > >
It's very hard to pronounce an unaspirated labiodental plosive, and it hurts a little, but I've included a whole labiodental series in Kalon. I don't know if such a thing exists in any Natlangs.


Tristan McLeay <kesuari@...>