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Re: PinYin - Reformed Latin-script Mandarin writing

From:Jonathan Chang <zhang2323@...>
Date:Sunday, May 7, 2000, 2:18
In a message dated 2000/05/07 01:39:05 AM, Kou quoted me & wrote:

>> - making standard Mandarin _somewhat_ more "accessible" >> to foreigners, MSL (Mandarin as a Second Language) learners, >> and, eventually, AI-augmented computer technology > >One might have wished that you hadn't drawn such a clear-cut distinction >between "foreigners" and "MSL learners" since there is quite a degree of >overlap. >
Yes... but I was thinking of both foreign & domestic MSL learners. Again I was not too clear in wording my meaning.
>> PinYin could never really replace the ancient logographic (written) >> language. The literal & literary riches of the logographic Chinese >>stretches from the archaic Oracle Bone Script (circa 3000 BCE,
approximately) >>to contemporary Chinese "concrete/language" poetry. That is nearly 5,000 >>some years of history.
> >I certainly wouldn't dispute this. I am a Chinese character fiend, and can >be transported to fits of ecstacy just mulling over some obscure 40+-stroke >character. I wouldn't want to overplay it, but the sheer age of the >characters affords them a mystico-symbolic aura like the "gua" of the I >Ching or the arcana of the Tarot, even though one might overlook it reading >the front page of "Renmin Ribao". >
aiyah! I find everyday poetics even in the local Chinatown signage & see little difference 'tween the mystico-symbolism of the I Ching, the elliptical beauty of T'ang Dynasty poetry and everyday poetics of Chinese signage. Example of signage: for a music store (English gloss)=> beautiful/Star(s)//Music(also means Joy)/Trade-Shop as the French say _objets d' trouve_... ;)
> >> Maybe the "West" needs to create its own logographic system. Now >> that would be a language reform. ;) > >>But for the better? This I might dispute.
True, I like the Roman alphabet a lot myself. I have a fondness for Roman alphabet languages without accents, diacritics, etc.. Now only if English was less confusing & convoluted ... & closer to a fonetik, pidjin-spelin. (This is just my personal, entirely subjective aesthetic: I tend to be a reductionist/minimalist... avoiding more "complex" morphologies and grammars... I admire them, but prefer something "simpler" & closer to elliptical/poetic language & the idea of _ostranenie_ - "making the Familiar strange.") zHANg