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Re: THEORY: Storage Vs. Computation

From:Irina Rempt-Drijfhout <ira@...>
Date:Friday, June 18, 1999, 18:38
On Fri, 18 Jun 1999, [Peter Morwood &] Diane Duane wrote:

(this appears to have been only Diane unless they're _ne jappa eddas

> People started writing to Gene Roddenberry and saying "We like Diane > Duane's Romulans better than yours..."
Well, I *do* like your Romulans better than his. I *always* like enemies with a culture better than vanilla enemies. I also like the Klingons of _The Final Reflection_ better than canonical Klingons.
> I now have other questions to deal with, such as: is it smart for a people > and a language to have the same name?
Probably not smart, but usual; cf. "English", "Dutch", "Spanish", "Valdyan".
> Why the heck didn't I construct even > a rudimentary grammar for this pile of words when I was working on > ENEMY/ALLY?
Ah, *that* is a good question :-) Seriously, when your stories don't have reason to make finish-me noises any more and your cats shut up for a bit (saw them on your web page, they're magnificent) we'd all like to see it. The language sure looks like there's a grammar, however rudimentary, in your head; probably when you start writing it down it'll fall into place all by itself (most of Valdyan did). Irina Varsinen an laynynay, saraz no arlet rastinay. (myself) (English) (Nederlands)