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Re: THEORY: Storage Vs. Computation

From:Peter Morwood & Diane Duane <owlsprng@...>
Date:Friday, June 18, 1999, 8:11
At 11:55 PM 6/15/99 -0500, you wrote:
>... To boldly diphthongize where no dialect has diphthongized before. >:-)
Ooh yes. What amuses me is to hear the typical Northern Irish vowels, much subdued, when we go to Canada...a routinely unrecognized reminder of all the "Scots-Irish" immigrants to that part of the world. (The giveaway is the pronunciation of the "ow/ou" sound as long [or at least longish] I: "I'm going ite ni" for "I'm going out now".)
>>... "It's all >> shite, that's all it is." > >It's also used in Scotland, yes? I remember the line in Braveheart (I >forget if it was in the movie or the book or both), "They couldn't agree >on the color of shite".
It may be there as well, but I don't recall hearing it in numerous visits. Then again, it's so extremely common here that I wonder if Mel or someone else involved with the film didn't pick it up while they were filming here (which was mostly: they only spent about six days in Scotland getting absolutely necessary mountain scenery, then hightailed it over here to Wicklow for the next six weeks -- the weather here being warm and dry instead of cold and wet, and the Irish Army available to "borrow" for the crowd scenes). Best! -- Diane Peter Morwood & Diane Duane / The Owl Springs Partnership / ICQ # 21654840 Page us on the Web: