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Re: THEORY: Storage Vs. Computation

From:John Cowan <cowan@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 15, 1999, 14:56
Nik Taylor wrote:

> and "went" (originally the past tense of "wend")
Still the past tense, unless you have started to say "wended".
> irregularities tend to develop rapidly, in bursts,
Sound-change does seem to happen in a bursty fashion. There's one going on now in the U.S. --- the "Inner Cities Drag-Chain Vowel Shift". I suspect that in a century or so it will have taken over the whole U.S. and maybe other Englishes as well.
> as with strong verbs > in English - at one time predictable, but the language changed, and they > became unpredictable, therefore irregular, and tend to be lost slowly > and gradually.
Sometimes new ones get created: [slEp] and [wEp] are very common, though not standard, and we also have "dove", "shat", and (according to And) "twug" = "realized, comprehended". -- John Cowan You tollerday donsk? N. You tolkatiff scowegian? Nn. You spigotty anglease? Nnn. You phonio saxo? Nnnn. Clear all so! 'Tis a Jute.... (Finnegans Wake 16.5)