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Re: Website update

From:Sally Caves <scaves@...>
Date:Saturday, July 3, 1999, 16:05
Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
> > Dear people, > > I've just updated our website again. It's a sort of experimental, interim > update. I've converted all the sound files to realaudio files, and I > wonder whether I've done this right, and whether everyone can hear > everything, for instance at > >
I can hear Irina's song just fine, Boudewijn. As I did before. Great!
> > you can now find a .rm version of the wave file.
.rm? Was that .rm? Hmmmm. I didn't think I could hear .rm. At least not the .rm files I uploaded to my own page and tried to listen to. (The mp3 still sounds
> better!) Likewise, the spoken corpus at > > > > is now in realaudio format.
Ironically, while I could hear these quite well a few days ago, now I get the dreaded message that always makes me shudder: "you have begun to download a file with audio/x-pn-realvideo. Click on "more info" to learn how to adjust your Netscape capabilities." I always hit cancel. If you are using a consistent format, why can I still hear Irina's Hanleni Halsen but not your spoken Denden anymore? You must have used a different format. Whatever it is, my system is not set up for any kind of "video," not nowhere, not nohow. I guess that's also why I can't read .rm files. Apparently, my system can hear .wav files and .ra files, but not certain types of .ra/.rm files that have "video" elements in them. Time to upgrade to RealPlayer Plus G2, I guess. I also can't hear your mp3 files. It will download it, and just as it's about to play, it gives me an error message.
> There's a bit of new content too: my grammar of Denden was getting a bit > unwieldy, and I've split the single file into a few chapters, and I've > added a discussion of the Denden case particles, like the instrumental and > the ornative. The grammar is still not finished, though ;-), but there > are already more than seventy spoken example sentences.
Haven't checked this yet. Will do. Sally