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From:Rachel Klippenstein <estel_telcontar@...>
Date:Friday, January 9, 2004, 22:39
Hi out there, I'v bin working on a rephonologization of English
(actually, this is what sparked my post on relexes a while back.  I
havent gotten around to finishing part two yet (classifying relexes),
but I'm calling things "re-phonologizations" if they're relexes in
which the relexified forms are derived from the original forms by a
predictable phonological alteration.  This is one of the relexes I said
I'd present if I ever got around to part 3.)  I was working on it in my
head a while ago, and just yesterday, I met someone from one of my
classes who's also a conlanger, and we got talking, and it turned out
he was doing a very similar project to this, although his had some
slight lexical and grammatical differences.  But like mine, his
involves switching the places of articulation of the various sounds of

I have the basics of my system figured out, but there are a few thorny
details that I'm still working on - particularly, what to do with /N/
and /h/.

The transcription system I'm using here differs from CXS in that:
c = CXS tS  (voiceless postalveolar affricate)
j = CXS dZ  (voiced postalveolar affricate)
y = CXS j   (palatal glide)
r = English "r", not a trill

There are 4 sets of consonants, plus /h/, which doesnt fit:

p b f v m w

t d s z n l

Postalveolars (and r)
c j S Z   r

Dorsals ( and interdentals)
k g T D N y

And the misfit /h/

Basicly, labials and alveolars are swapped, and postalveolars and
dorsals are swapped.  Since Inglish is somewhat alveolar-heavy, the
result is a bit labial-heavy... and all the s-CONSONANT clusters become

I'm not sure about /N/ and /h/... I coud swap them, but then you end up
with initial /N/ and final /h/, wich I'm not sure I want.  Or I coud
just leave them as iz, which I'm inclined to do, with the complication
that /N/ may have a postalveolar allophone when preceding postalveolars
(since the combinations /Nc/ and /Nj/ are gunna be common as results of
/Nk/ and /Ng/).  I think that's what I'll do.

The transcription system I'm using here differs from CXS in that:
a = CXS a in diphthongs, but CXS A in monophthongs

Monophthongs besides schwa come in two basic sets, which are swapped:
i  I  ei E  &

u  U  ou V  a

Front and back are swapped; schwa is mid, and stays the same.

Diphthongs: /ai/ and /au/ are swapped.  I'm not sure yet wether /oi/
stays the same or becomes /eu/.

Vowels before /r/:
There are a reduced set of vowels before r; most things remain the
same, but /a/ is treated as a central vowel here,
and does not become /&/  (I might change this.)

Here's a short passage in my re-phonologization (which is called, by
its own principles, UNjwUT.  (sorry, it looks rilly ugly without having
IPA simbols to type with.  I rilly dont like having all theze jumbled
upper and lower case letterz.)

hVwei, nau moun Uv Vfp@w pVwc&mpaj.  au an @ wUNjlUfpUc fpib@mp ap
ri du fu.  au wauc UmzVmpUN waNj@vUv.  Zuf Uv c&wb c&mwaNUN.


I'm revolting agenst standerd Inglish spelling.  Odd spellings ar probly intentional.

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