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From:Boudewijn Rempt <bsarempt@...>
Date:Saturday, October 28, 2000, 7:22
On Sat, 28 Oct 2000, Matt McLauchlin wrote:

> It looks glorious, but I know diddly shit about Python, MySQL, Linux, or any > of the other unpronounceable platforms (?) named. *caveman mode* I have > Windows 98. How do I make it run? Please tell me! I'm desperate to use this > program! >
It should be possible to get the server part working on Windows - but I haven't done it myself. It's been years since I spent serious time in that OS, even at work I use Linux.i But the basic bits are obtainable for Windows: Python (, MySQL (, even the binding between Python and MySQL (but you need a C compiler to get it to work: I'm going to port the gui to pure PyQt, which is available for windows in pre-compiled form: But getting Kura to work is still an interesting challenge on Linux; I expect that it would present even more hours of fun on Windows, even to the point where it would be significantly easier just to buy one of those magazines with Linux on the cover CD, install it and then install Kura. Boudewijn Rempt |