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Artlang-driven English spelling reform

From:Carlos Thompson <chlewey@...>
Date:Friday, May 12, 2000, 16:22
Inspired on the English spelling reform, I was thingking in
a pseudo spelling reform, which could drive English into a
more phonetic language but it's not aimed to go that way.

First, it will take diagraphs and changed for extended or
accented Latin letters, like changing <th> /T/ with <þ>

Some of these changes:
  <th> into thorn, when pronounced /T/.
  <th> into eth, when pronounced /D/.
  <ng> into eng, when pronounced /N/, left <ng> when /Ng/.
  <ch> into either c acute or c cedilla*, when /tS/.
  <sh> into either s acute or s cedilla.
  <gh> into yoth, when mude or /f/, <g> when /g/.
  <wh> into something I found in the Thyromanes font, which
is as a <hu> diagraph.
  <ph> into f.

Then, when a letter can have two sounds, it could be split
in two symbols.  As c acute /tS/ can be seen a a
palatization of c /k/, then we could use g acute for /dZ/.
This allow <gh> and <gu> diagraphs to become <g>.

Now is time for vowels... volunteers?

-- Carlos Th

* my original idea was to use c cedilla, s cedilla and g
cedilla and leave <c> with two different values: /k/
and /s/.  But I've been thinking on using c cedilla
for /s/, then the palatization could be rendered with an