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Re: Why conlang

From:D Tse <exponent@...>
Date:Friday, October 12, 2001, 2:36
<< Actually, I started because of codes. Sound weird? Yeah, it's a
bit weird, but I used to love making different types of codes (I
still make them, sometimes). And sometimes I would mix different
words from different codes together in a sentence. My favorite codes
were ones that I could think of ways to actually say the words, which
is why I almost always coded vowels with vowels, and consonants with
My first attempt at a conlang was inspired when I learned about the
Korean alphabet (I didn't even know I was "conlanging"; I'd never
heard of it). It was really clumsily started, so I didn't get real
far on it. Oh well.

Noelle. >>

Some of us started conlanging as a natural progression from
relexification at an early age. I remember a relexification of
English that I made at a very young age, which had the name of my
current project. Upon reading more about language, and then finding
this list, my amateur knowledge in linguistics has greatly increased
and my current conlang is believably complex, albeit peppered with
some Indo-Europeanisms, which I really don't want...

I also made some scripts before I started actually conlanging.
