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Re: Michael Adams/Abrigon (Was [OT] Books for sanskrit self-study

From:Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
Date:Monday, July 17, 2006, 10:55

Sai Emrys writes:
> Tangent re "special needs"... > > I find it a bit weird as a phrase. Basically, it says outright that > your educational or social needs are different from those of the > mainstream, but it's only applied to the low-performing or pathology > end of things. Why? > > Why not also apply it to folk like me (and I'd bet a large portion of > the people on this list) who had 'special needs' that were not met by > the system - by virtue of being too smart for our own good? ...
Is this a serious question? Ok, I will answer seriously. At the low end, people have no chance of helping themselves. That's the basic difference. Therefore, chosing to help those naturally has higher priority. It's unfair to support those who are smart enough, when there is a single one who cannot keep pace. You would probably find it strange to collect money for the rich. It's probably better to collect money for the poor first. (Yes, economy works differently. But there is no need to find it particularly fair.) If the challenged are well-supported, the smart ones should have access to enough books, though, for feeding any interest and keeping them from getting bored. So Sai, just help yourself! **Henrik


Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>
Christian Köttl <christian.koettl@...>