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Re: meeting of minds

From:Orjan Johansen <oerjan@...>
Date:Monday, December 21, 1998, 19:11
On Sun, 20 Dec 1998, Diana Slattery wrote:

> i think role-playing and games are closely related, myself. my > interest in such has been simultaneously generated with conlanging, > believe it or not. games in general, principles of games, nature of > games, rulesets in general--how a few simple rules and a limited > number of elements can generate many many unique games. this seems > like language to me.
Have you heard about the game of Nomic? It is a game where the purpose (one purpose, anyhow) is to change the Rules - it is hard to tell whether it is a game, roleplaying or lawmaking, that can depend on the style of the particular game. (<>) Alas, I don't seem to have time for all the fun things anymore, I wonder when I will get time to actually construct a language... another guy on this list went the other way and gave up Nomic for conlanging etc. =20 instead. Greetings, =D8rjan (temporarily taking the time to read conlang.) --=20 'What Einstein called "the happiest thought of my life" was his realization that gravity and acceleration are both made of orange Jello.' - from a non-crackpot sci.physics.relativity posting