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Re: meeting of minds

From:Kristian Jensen <kljensen@...>
Date:Sunday, December 20, 1998, 21:17
Diana Slattery wrote:
>feelings of homelessness. how deep does this go? i often wonder. >where are we from, really from, that this can run so deep. deep >time.
I'm not sure my own feelings of homelessness is identical to most "normal" people. Like I said, I have no sense of national patriotism at all. When I'm in Denmark, there are so many things I miss about the Philippines and I begin to get annoyed at Danes and Denmark. When I'm in the Philippines, its the opposite. So home is definitely not where your parents are from. People have told me that "home is where your heart lies and where you want to be buried", but my heart lies in both places - the Philippines and Denmark. So where am I suppose to be buried? I also get frustrated that Danish law disallows dual citizenship for adults. But I carry two passports anyway because that is what my heart tells me. My heart also tells me that I'm Boreanesian. If Boreanesia existed in the real world, I think I'd like to be one of its citizens and to be buried there among the pagoda trees _Araucaria borealis_ (A very common tree in Boreanesia. It is a coniferous tree related to the Norfolk island pine _Araucaria excelsa_ and Chile's Monkey puzzle tree _Araucaria araucana_. It is also endemic to Boreanesia and is the only araucaria native to the northern hemisphere). Regards, -Kristian- 8-)