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Re: meeting of minds

From:Daniel Baisden <alomian1@...>
Date:Friday, December 25, 1998, 1:23
You wrote that in many ways you feel Boreanesian. That has come across so
clearly before you wrote about. I share that feeling, though I have no doubt
it is nowhere nearly as strongly as you, and others in similar cirmstance feel
it. I do not feel personally so much that my ethical responsibilities in life
lie toward my native land, or its government and institutions, so much as it
does toward humanity in general. I feel what I do, or do not, has impact, and
that impact knows no borders, however small a one it may be. Wouldnt it be
interesting to build a nation, a nation without a homeland, of people who are
generally sick of, or who find useless, nationalism in general. There could be
one or a thousand languages, flags, governments, united in one name, toward many principles. Just a Christmas Eve thought, needed to get out....
Sincerely, Daniel Baisden


A. A violent order is disorder, and
B. A great disorder is an order. These
Two are one. (Pages of illustrations.)

>From "A Connoisseur of Chaos" by Wallace Stevens