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Re: meeting of minds

From:Herman Miller <hmiller@...>
Date:Monday, December 28, 1998, 2:35
On Sun, 27 Dec 1998 03:12:31 EST, Daniel Baisden <Alomian1@...> =

>Much thanks to Patrick Dunn for bringing the actuality and concept of >micronations to our eyes. I.E., check out . It is an =
idea of
>direct consequence to conlangers. That is, what if the culture of your >languages origin, became at least an internet entity, or even actually >acquired some form of perhaps subsidiary territory. Boreanesia may come =
>have redblooded citizens yet! Eh, Kristian?
See also the Kingdom of Talossa, . The = web page advertises it as "an independent, sovereign country" and it has its own language!