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Re: Ah, yes, yl-ruil invades cyberspace!!

From:Vasiliy Chernov <bc_@...>
Date:Wednesday, April 5, 2000, 15:44
All complaints about yl-ruil's color choice make me feel offended
for him. I think the content is worth commenting on much more.

For example, I liked a lot the *postpositional* articles with *prefixed*
genetive marker.

As a semi-professional website hunter, I could suggest a single-hotkey
way to deal with broken colors...

Dan's pages are explicitly addressed to conlangers.

Conlangers are expected to be ingenious and never frightened by what
looks obscure.

When I get to design a site of my own one day, I'll probably make a
special entrance marked 'For Conlangers Only'.

I think I'll put some white text against white background there. And
the text will be a quiz: what conlang do you think the following is in?
With wrong answers causing a redirect to conlang resource pages chosen
by the system at random.

Won't it be cool, and truly esoteric?

who sometimes fails to notice humor, and sometimes to mark it :o