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Re: Ah, yes, yl-ruil invades cyberspace!!

From:daniel andreasson <daniel.andreasson@...>
Date:Wednesday, April 5, 2000, 22:55
Vasiliy wrote:

> As a semi-professional website hunter, I could suggest a single-hotkey > way to deal with broken colors...
I know of two easy ways to deal with this. 1) Triple click with the mouse, which marks all of the text on the site. Makes it very readable. 2) Save the page on your HD, go into the source code and change the bgcolor yourself to something better.
> Won't it be cool, and truly esoteric?
To which Byron replied:
> Nope, it would be tragically, tragically lame.
I, on the other hand, would say: Go for it, Vasiliy! It rocks! (Or "Det rockar fett!" as we say in Sweden). And Dan, I really liked the look of Corfeg. Though I don't know squat about the Gaelic langs. Is it based on real Gaelic words or did you just make them up with Gaelic phonology and phonotactics? / Daniel