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First Translation in Zanona-ye (Sawelendere)

From:John L. Leland <lelandconlang@...>
Date:Monday, January 5, 2004, 22:31
I have completed my initial work on the Pseudo-IE lang based on the Proto-IE
roots in
the AHD appendix. As a first translation, I did the first few lines of
Hesiod's Theogony (working from an English translation,not the original Greek),
simplifying a bit and omitting some place-names. I chose this because this country
geographically is in
roughly a position equivalent to Greece, and I had already written a few
texts in Rihana-ye based on Greek myths which purported to be folktales from this
country, which in Rihana-ye is called Zanona and in its own language, as I
have now provisionally decided,
Sawelendere.  The Sawelendere vocabulary was created by modifying the
Proto-IE roots to fit the Rihana-ye system (all CV syllables) on the assumption that
being the ally of the older and more sophisticated Rihana-ye culture would be
rather as Mycenean Greek was affected by being spelled with a syllabic system
apparently designed originally to fit whatever it was the Minoans spoke. The
letters in parenthesis would be written but not pronounced.
This is the (very provisional) product:

Kesune beregus(u)  wotis(i) kanun(u) heyimeyas(u)
With     hill's       spirits    song     let us begin
Megi enke badi beregun(u)  segent(u).
Great and good hill         they hold
Ene sumi pedis(i)  menis(i) gorent(u)
On their feet small they dance
Nekeri pelente serehe hamibe
Black flowing stream around
Poti Diyus(u)  sake hamibe
Strong sky's temple around
Sumi peles(e)  teneres(e) ene ekawun(u) serehe leyent(u)
Their skins tender in horses' stream they wash
Ton(e) halabi enke karisi, upere beregus(u) tege gorent(u)
Then white and graceful, over hill's top they dance
Enke sumi pedes(e) welent(u).
And their feet turn (whirl).

John Leland
