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Re: CHAT: Re : CHAT: Re: minimum phonemes, was Re: vrindo

From:Boudewijn Rempt <bsarempt@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 22, 1999, 7:28
On Sun, 20 Jun 1999, Matt Pearson wrote:

> > The historical connection between Hawaiian, Tahitian, and Malay is > far from disputed. All three are Austronesian languages - and fairly > closely related ones at that, since they all belong to the Malayo- > Polynesian branch. As for Japanese, I've heard some linguists posit > an Austronesian substrate in the language (making Japanese historically > an Altaic-Austronesian creole, perhaps?), but I don't know if that > idea is very widely accepted. >
Last time I was at a place where a lot of Japanologists were, there wasn't a single scholar in agreement with another on the subject of the affiliations of Japanese - though they all agreed to revile Roy Andrew Miller... Shibatani mentions the following theories (1990:94-95): - Japanese is an Altaic language (or an Ural-Altaic language) - Japanese is related to Korean. Most scholars reckon Korean is a member of the Altaic language family - Japanese is connected to the Malayan-Polynesian family - Japanese is connected to Austro-Asiatic - Japanese is connected to the Tibeto-Burmese language family - Connections with: Persian, Greek, Basque, Sumerian ;-). - Japanese is an Austronesian substratum and an Altaic superstratum - Japanese is an Austronesian-Altaic mixed language (difficult to see how that exactly differs from the previous). - A relationship between Tamil and Japanese (114) All in all, this is an area where the time-honoured phrase 'further research is necessary', is not misplaced! --- Shibatani, Masayoshi. 1990. _The Languages of Japan_, Cambridge. Boudewijn Rempt |