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Re: CHAT: Re : CHAT: Re: minimum phonemes, was Re: vrindo

From:Matt Pearson <mpearson@...>
Date:Monday, June 21, 1999, 4:10
Mathias wrote:

>> Is it just my imagination, but do most if not all small-phoneme- >> inventory languages belong to isolated islands out in the middle of >> the ocean? :-)
There's an old joke among linguists about intrepid Polynesian sailors throwing consonants overboard to keep the canoes afloat...
>speaking of natlangs, hawaiian and tahitian are closely related so no wonder, >but as you know, links between between them, japanese and malayan languages >are diputed so maybe insularity is a reason for that ?
The historical connection between Hawaiian, Tahitian, and Malay is far from disputed. All three are Austronesian languages - and fairly closely related ones at that, since they all belong to the Malayo- Polynesian branch. As for Japanese, I've heard some linguists posit an Austronesian substrate in the language (making Japanese historically an Altaic-Austronesian creole, perhaps?), but I don't know if that idea is very widely accepted. Matt. ------------------------------------ Matt Pearson UCLA Linguistics Department 405 Hilgard Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90095-1543 ------------------------------------