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Re: Ice tea and Robin Hood

From:Philippe Caquant <herodote92@...>
Date:Sunday, August 29, 2004, 5:57
--- Apollo Hogan <apollo@...> wrote:

> > > Cows are things with four legs > > > > No - cows have twelve legs - two in the front, two > in the back, two on > > the left side, two on the right side, and one on > each of four corners. > > I hate to be pedantic, but cows actually have an > infinite number of legs: > they clearly have an even number of legs, but as you > point out, they have > twelve legs, which is certainly an odd number of > legs for an animal to have. > But the only way a number can be both even and odd > is for it to be infinite. >
Oh, that was exactly the question I asked myself last week: is infinite odd or even ? (after John Cowan explained us that all odd numbers are prime). The theory according to which cows have twelve legs is not correct: there has been forgotten that a cow also has four legs below (and none above), thus: 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 0 = 16. Of course, we're not talking about one-legged cows. This gives me the opportunity to disclose an important information about zebras. Some think zebras are black-striped white, and others that they are white-striped black. In fact, zebras are green, striped black and white. One has to be very careful about scientific extrapolations. Remember that Englishman who was sitting in a train in Scotland. - Dad, said his son, look over there, there is a herd a new-shorn sheep ! - On our side, in any case, said he. (And now for the elephants) ===== Philippe Caquant "High thoughts must have high language." (Aristophanes, Frogs) _______________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Win 1 of 4,000 free domain names from Yahoo! Enter now.