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Re: Ice tea and Robin Hood

From:Adrian Morgan (aka Flesh-eating Dragon) <dragon@...>
Date:Saturday, August 28, 2004, 13:35
John Cowan wrote:

> Indeed. A third data point is "skim milk", which is now standard American > (the container is so labeled), whereas "skimmed milk" remains standard > elsewhere.
Incidentally, one thing that annoys me a little is that the directions on a certain brand of packaged pasta mix begin, "In a medium saucepan, bring 2/3 cup (170mL) low fat milk, 2 1/2 cups (580mL) water and 1 tablespoon polyunsaturated table spread to the boil". The reason it annoys me is because in my opinion it patronises the customer, who is perfectly capable of making up their own mind whether to use low fat milk or not!! Adrian.


Elyse M. Grasso <emgrasso@...>
Mark P. Line <mark@...>