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Re: THEORY: Ray on ambisyllabicity

From:Raymond Brown <ray.brown@...>
Date:Friday, October 20, 2000, 5:40
At 6:05 pm -0400 17/10/00, John Cowan wrote:
> >It seems to me that there isn't any possible ambisyllabicity that can't >be accounted for as a covert gemination.
What I'm finding difficult is to understand what "covert gemination" or "gemination in disguise" can actually mean. To me the terms seem meaningless, i.e. to my simple mind either a consonant is geminate or it ain't. It's quite clear to me, e.g. when I hear Welsh _hapus_ pronounced, that the medial /p/ is geminate. The /p/ in English _happy_ is not geminate. I can understand the argument of those who maintain that the /p/ in English _happy_ is ambisyllabic. But at present I neither accept nor reject the theory. Ray. ========================================= A mind which thinks at its own expense will always interfere with language. [J.G. Hamann 1760] =========================================