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Re: THEORY: Ray on ambisyllabicity

From:Adrian Morgan <morg0072@...>
Date:Sunday, October 29, 2000, 3:14
And Rosta wrote:

> What is it you want? Probably the most useful would be the cassette or CD > "The sounds of the IPA" which might be available from the IPA site, >, and should be available from the UCL site > or Available for order, that is, for about six quid.
I'll keep that in mind - it looks like the sort of site I might bookmark, anyway.
> I imagine that the phoneticians at your University would be happy to > give you help too.
I've tried once before, but didn't get a response. Now that Nicole has got my T-shirt order, she's also got the tape that I included with samples of my vowels on it. So I'm keeping an ear open in that direction. Thanks for the corrections WRT my understanding of phonetics/phonemics - the three way division into phonemics, broad phonetics and narrow phonetics is new to me. -- web. | Here and there I like to preserve a few islands of sanity | within the vast sea of absurdity which is my mind. member/ | After all, you can't survive as an eight foot tall dragon | flesh eating dragon if you've got no concept of reality.