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OT: Posession (was OT: Re: What? the clean-shaven)

From:Stone Gordonssen <stonegordonssen@...>
Date:Monday, May 19, 2003, 22:44
>Aha! So a conlang urgently needs a syntactical difference between >genitive and possessive.
google for material on the conlang "Laadan" by Suzette Elgin - it has several types of posessives. I know that some natlangs do too.
>*making notes for next project*
Posession alone can be a huge topic. Months ago, Suzette Elgin and I spent days trying to research and explain to a neophite the place of the false posessive within the whole context of posession . I ended up feeling that actually posession - e.g. "my book" - was little more than a minor subset of a much larger and also mystifying set of inter-item relationships. _________________________________________________________________ Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.


Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>
Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
Tim May <butsuri@...>