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Re: OT: Conlangism: 'lect

From:Estel Telcontar <estel_telcontar@...>
Date:Tuesday, January 25, 2005, 16:12
Andreas Johansson ha tera a:
> Quoting Estel Telcontar <estel_telcontar@...>:
> > I just noticed that the word 'lect as a cover term for
> > etc. seems to be a conlangism - all the google hits I could find
> > the relevant meaning were conlang-related. It's a good word to
> Drop the apostrophe, and the AHD recognizes it with the definition
"[a] social
> or regional variety of speech having a sociolinguistic or functional
> within a speech community." I doubt it would have ended up there if
it was only
> found in conlanger's jargon.
I agree, it's highly unlikely to have found its way into the dictionary without wider use... but then I'm surprised I didn't find more examples with Google. It can't be blamed on the apostrophe, because I'm pretty sure Google ignores punctuation, and I don't think I typed an apostrophe when I googled for it. So where are all the other usages? Maybe they just haven't found their way on to the internet. Maybe they're just buried among unrelated meanings... -Estel ______________________________________________________________________ Post your free ad now!