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Re: Country names still needed

From:Carlos Thompson <chlewey@...>
Date:Friday, May 9, 2003, 19:17
Jeffrey Henning wrote:

> Here are the countries for which no ideas are yet listed:
> Austria
Black Eagle? [...]
> Chile > Colombia
Well, Colombia is suposed to be the second country in biodiversity next to Brazil, and the first if you count only birds...but I cannot come with one representative animal... Well, there is the (Andean) condor, but I had already used it to Bolivia. We also have capibaras ("chigüiro" in Colombia), guinea pigs ("cuy" or "curí"), parrots ("loro", "papagayo", "guacamaya"), cayman (crocodile) ("caimán" and "babilla"), bear (Andean bear, "oso de anteojos"), bullfighting bull, buffalo (I mean propper buffalo, not that American bison that people call bufalo in the US), cats, dogs, cows (besides the bullfiting variety, there are milky cows like Holstein, and meet cows like "cebu" and "brahma"), deer, harp eagle, frogs, hummingbirds, tulcan birds, chickens, sparrows, birds, birds, birds, bugs, bugs, bugs, mice, opossum, a few llamas, jaguar ("tigre"), snakes, toads, Amazon dolphins, armadillos, horses, iguanas,... but I cannot find one "representative" of Colombia. Pre-Columbian cultures had important representations of snakes, frogs and caymans... Well, lets use the Cayman for Colombia. [...]
> Denmark
Meirmaids? [...] Puerto Rico: Cooquee frog. (or however you write it in English) -- Carlos Th


Jeffrey Henning <jeffrey@...>