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Re: Antigenetive case?

From:bnathyuw <bnathyuw@...>
Date:Friday, August 9, 2002, 12:42
 --- julien eychenne <eychenne.j@...> wrote: >
> > Yes, nawatl has this feature, even if it's not a > genetive case but rather a posessor prefix. For > example, /kal-li/ is "house(s)" (root -kal-), and if > you want to say "my house", the form is /no-kal/. > Then, "the woman's house", it is /i:-kal siwa:t^l/ > 'her house the woman', where /i:/ is the 3rd person > possessor suffix (and /siwa:t^l/ is "the woman"). >
turkish too. except turkish ( if i remember rightly ) has two ways of doing it i can't remember a better example so: kardes,-in abajur-u friend-GEN lampshade-3POSS the friend's lampshade kardes, abajur-u friend lampshade-3POSS a friend's lampshade ( i hope i've got this right ) it's not really a construct system, but analogous in some ways ( particularly that the genitive case is not necessary for indicating possession ) bn __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Everything you'll ever need on one web page from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts