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Re: new parts of speech/cases

From:Danny Wier <dawier@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 1, 2002, 2:12
From: "Jake X" <alwaysawake247@...>

> No, proverb is not an actual term. It's just carrying on the tradition of > "pronoun" i.e. in place of a noun. > For example, the following sentence. > > Mohammad Ali converted. > > You can change "Mohammad Ali," to "he," and he stands in place of the > subject. > > My friends and I were thinking about words that could have the same
> as a pronoun only with verbs. For example: > > Mohammamed Ali converted, and others "did so." > > In English, I cannot think ov a word that follows that function to clone a > previously mentioned verb. But it was theoretical.
Oh I'm sorry, I had you wrong. You do have a good point. I guess the best we can do for a verb substitute is to use "to do". It does sort of represent the "generic verb". But you have to use "to be" if you want to replace stative or passive verbs, so it's not universal. So y'all's conlangs... what do you have that might relate? ~Danny~