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Re: Person marking on nouns?

From:Remi Villatel <maxilys@...>
Date:Monday, February 23, 2004, 2:30
Carlos Thompson wrote:

> Tokcir marks nouns for posesiveness. > > I once deviced a conlang marking nouns for either gender or person: > friend-1st : I (who is a friend) ... > friedn-2nd : you (who are a friend) ... > friend-3rd_fem : friend (female) > friedn-3rd_masc : friend (male) > > but I didn't developed that idea further.
Hmmmm! I like this! :-) I will integrate it into Shaquelingua but not as a noun marking system but as a system allowing an adjective to be attached to a personal pronoun. There are already pronouns in Shaquelingua, I can't remove them! The limit between adjectives and nouns doesn't exist in Shaquelingua, so I will be able to say things like this: govilø-kjo ! [govi49^kjo] = Listen to me, I'm your friend/friendly! govilø-rjë ! [govi49^xjE] = Hey, my friend! (Hey, friendly you!) xikkófill-tojj. [x\ik?kOfi4:^toj:] = This is my lover. (Here he/she comes.) tos'saaraju-çaki. [tos(o)^saaxaju^Caki] = We, linguists, would. tev'blëdizju-tali. [tev(e)^blEdi.zju^tali] = The doctors, they did. (Straightforward translation aren't possible and the interlinear would be just more confusing.) Now, I think I will never finish the grammar of Shaquelingua if I keep on fishing ideas everywhere... ;-) bi-kaçtólu soe, [bi:^ka.CtOlu soe] (Until soon,) ===================== Remi Villatel =====================