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Re: Concreoles?

From:Isaac Penzev <isaacp@...>
Date:Thursday, February 8, 2007, 8:21
andrew ikri':

| I started one.  I called it Feringistani.  There are some posts about it
| archived on the list back in 2001.  It borrowed quite heavily Alan
| Corre's Glossary of Lingua Franca at .

Tangki pa te lingki. // Thanks for the link.
IMO, LF is a really interesting sample of a creol lang, though I don't
believe the opinion that all existing creols back to LF.

| That stalled because I wasn't satisfied with a calque
| of *bastanza* for *inap*, and I have since returned the grammar to its
| owner.

*Inap*? I like this word!!

| I still have both files.

Could you send me a copy?

| It's a nice looking language and I
| use it if I need a quick and dirty translation language.

That's what I have in mind wrt a concreole project, too.

| - andrew.

-- Yitzik


andrew <hobbit@...>