> well, i consider roman alphabet a difficult stuff (any alphabet is - long
> syllabaries ;-) but i'm not sure i can handle this one on my computer.
If alfabets are difficult stuff and Dutch had a syllabary, what should I do
with words like "herfstsfeer" and "angstzweet". Lot of consonantclusters.
> my latter mail's (un)ortho(dox)graphy may read awkward to english
> native speakers (ENS) but that's how GB english sounds to most
> european non-native speakers acquainted with german
> or dutch.
I'm currently writing Dutch phonetically. It turns out that Dutch is highly
agglutinative! E.g.:
>>> Rob Nierse 09/30 11:53 >>>
kepselfsnetsoonsnikkersop. kbartsfandonger, sulleweso?
(= Ik heb zelfs net zo'n snickers op. Ik barst van de honger, zullen we
>>> Jacqueline Berkhuizen 09/30 11:51 >>>
>>> Jacqueline Berkhuizen 09/30 11:35 >>>
>>> Rob Nierse 09/30 11:34 >>>
kdagdattileukwas, madawazzinie