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Re: Zera and other conlangs

From:DOUGLAS KOLLER <laokou@...>
Date:Sunday, April 9, 2000, 19:00
From: "Kristian Jensen"

> The concultures on this list located in the Asia-Pacific region fit > this nicely. So that would include my Boreanesia, Barry Garcia's > concultures, Hawksinger's Pacific island-continent of Pan (the Nowans), > and Kenji Schwarz's conculture. So in theory, these cultures could > exist in the same universe as Hangkerim. Anyone else?
Géarthnuns speakers (themselves yet unnamed) reside on an island (also as yet unnamed) in the Sea of Japan, offshore from where the borders of China, Korea, and Russia converge. It exists in our time. Géarthnuns speakers, unfortunately, don't have the memory-blotting effects of the Anta, nor the advantage of an island which moves as do the speakers of Teonaht, but consider themselves discreet enough to have migrated eastward undetected across great swaths of Europe and Asia before settling in and becoming the most courteous of neighbors. As such, they don't really disrupt "here" history, but for the geological implications of a new island suddenly popping up near Vladivostok. Kou