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Re: Zera and other conlangs

From:Kenji Schwarz <schwarz@...>
Date:Monday, April 10, 2000, 16:03
On Sun, 9 Apr 2000, DOUGLAS KOLLER wrote:

> Géarthnuns speakers (themselves yet unnamed) reside on an island (also > as yet unnamed) in the Sea of Japan, offshore from where the borders > of China, Korea, and Russia converge. It exists in our time. > Géarthnuns speakers, unfortunately, don't have the memory-blotting > effects of the Anta, nor the advantage of an island which moves as do > the speakers of Teonaht, but consider themselves discreet enough to > have migrated eastward undetected across great swaths of Europe and > Asia before settling in and becoming the most courteous of neighbors. > As such, they don't really disrupt "here" history, but for the > geological implications of a new island suddenly popping up near > Vladivostok.
A-ha! For such a large conworld, some of the prime territory can still be fought over. I'd originally thought of locating the Sayat-speakers someplace near there, either on Sakhalin or on the mainland, in the Sikhote Alin range or along the Ussuri basin. In the end I decided not to do that (it wasn't remote enough, and I wanted them to have more political autonomy in the modern age), but I still regret it. Perhaps the Gearthnuns-speakers can be slotted in with the Sayat and Boreanesians (if not the Nowans, too) as a sort of Pacific Conlang League? Kenji