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Re: Zera and other conlangs

From:Kristian Jensen <kljensen@...>
Date:Sunday, April 9, 2000, 13:58
Carlos Thompson  wrote:
>So basically any conculture that could solve existing without changing too >much European history, and is away enough of Hangkerim (Colombia and >Venezuela), Mesoamerica, Mississippi Basin and Paraná/Rio de la Plata Basin >will surely fit in Zera.
The concultures on this list located in the Asia-Pacific region fit this nicely. So that would include my Boreanesia, Barry Garcia's concultures, Hawksinger's Pacific island-continent of Pan (the Nowans), and Kenji Schwarz's conculture. So in theory, these cultures could exist in the same universe as Hangkerim. Anyone else? We discussed something like this several months ago when Kenji was still active in the list. From what I remember, Kenji and Hawksinger agreed that both of their concultures coexist on the same island. Boreanesia is close enough to Pan to be influenced in the modern age by the Nowans political system of the Cooperative state. Geoculturally, the Boreanesians are close to Barry's Salaangal. -kristian- 8)