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Another language began

From:Balazs Sudar <conlang@...>
Date:Monday, November 11, 2002, 0:14
Hi all!

I have just begun my work on a language, that - in my world - should be the
ancestor language of many others. I won't create a language with thousands of
words and full grammar, just the most comfortably possible. Later I think I'll
derive the other languages from that source. So this is what now I have from
the language: Some thoughts on phonology, nouns and verbs.



The language had following sounds (excuse me, but I don't know SAMPA):

a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, palatalized l, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, sh, t, u, v, z, kh, th

The language does not allow the same consonant to follow in the next sillable, it
falls out, or is replaced. (Examples in the charts) It's also not allowed to
have same vowels stand after each other, here a 'h' is inserted. (verb 'eve' ->
perf. 'neheve')



There is masculine and feminine nouns but only when hum... surely recognizable :) ->
persons, animals. Otherwise there is nothing. masculine has the ending: -o,
feminine: -e.
Nouns have 5 cases: Nominative, dative, genitive, accusative and instrumental case.
Numbers: singular and plural.
The case ending of the noun depends on ending (if it's a vowel, a consonant, s or
sh or z , or a liquid) and on the last vowel. If the last vowel is i or e, the
word gets an ending with mostly these vowels, otherwise mostly with a.

                singular                                        plural
stm.            Nom.    Dat.    Gen.    Acc.    Instr.  Nom.    Dat.    Gen.    Acc.    Instr.
vowel ending:
thenga          -       -na     -s      -z      -n      -r      -ra     -ras    -raz    -ru
lipe            -       -ne     -s      -z      -n      -t      -tie    -ties   -tiez   -tia
cons. ending:
aram            -       -a      -us     -az     -ou     -ir     -ira    -aras   -araz   -au
nathin          -       -e      -es     -ez     -iu     -i      -ie     -ies    -iez    -iru
-r, -l ending.
ogor            -       -a      -us     -az     -ou     -i      -ia     -aus    -eaz    -au
higel           -       -e      -es     -ez     -iu     -i      -ie     -ies    -iez    -iu
-s, -sh, -z ending:
legaz           -       -a      -u      -       -ou     -ir     -ira    -aras   -araz   -au
times           -       -e      -u      -       -iu     -i      -ie     -ies    -iez    -iru


There are the -el verbs, and the 'old verbs', The 'old verbs' can also have the
ending -el, but the -el verbs cannot lose it.
Tenses: Present, Past, Perfect, Future

-el verbs:
There's the difference with the last vowel, like by the nouns, though only the future
forms are different:
Present tense makes no change. Past has stm+infix 'a'+ending, Perfect prefix
'ne'+stm., Future stm+infix 'te'+ending.

        Pres.   Past    Perf.   Fut.
S1      apel    apael   neapel  apatel
S2      apet    apaet   neapet  apatet
S3      ape     apa(h)e neape   apate
P1      apeng   apaeng  neapeng apateng
P2      apek    apaek   neapek  apatek
P3      aper    apaer   neaper  apater

        Pres.           Past            Perf.           Fut.
S1      mindrel         mindrael                nemindrel               mindretel
S2      mindret         mindraet                nemindret       mindr(et)et
S3      mindre          mindra(h)e      nemindre                mindrete
P1      mindreng                mindraeng       nemindreng      mindreteng
P2      mindrek         mindraek                nemindrek       mindretek
P3      mindrer         mindraer                nemindrer       mindreter

'Old verbs':
The verbs taken from the lost language of the eastern tribes. They mostly express simple actions.
The charts: 1st chart: vowel, high (i,e); 2nd ch. cons, high; 3rd ch. vowel, low
(a,o,u); 4th ch. cons, low:
Present tense makes no change. Past has stm+infix 'a'+ending, Perfect prefix
'ne'+stm., Future stm+infix 'te'+ending.

ending in a high vowel:

        Pres.           Past            Perf.           Fut.
S1      eve             evae            neheve          evete
S2      evet            evaet           nehevet         evet/evedet
S3      eves            evaes           neheves         evetes
P1      evema           evaema          nehevema        evetema
P2      evedu           evaedu          nehevedu                evetedu
P3      evest           evaest          nehevest                evetest

ending in a consonant, last sill. has high vowel:

        Pres.           Past            Perf.           Fut.
S1      jerd            jerda           nejerd          jerdete
S2      jerdet          jerdat          nejerdet                jerdethet
S3      jerdes          jerdas          nejerdes                jerdetes
P1      jerdema         jerdama         nejerdema       jerdetema
P2      jerdetu         jerdatu         nejerdetu               jerdetedu
P3      jerdest         jerdast         nejerdest               jerdetest

ending in a low vowel:

        Pres.           Past            Perf.           Fut.
S1      ona             onea            ne(j)ona                onate
S2      onat            oneat           neonat          onadet
S3      onas            oneas           neonas          onates
P1      onama           oneama          neonama         onatema
P2      onadu           oneadu          neonadu         onatedu
P3      onast           oneast          neonast         onatest

ending in a consonant, last sill. has low vowel:

        Pres.           Past            Perf.           Fut.
S1      vagan           vagane          nevagan         vaganate
S2      vaganat         vaganet         nevaganat       vaganathet
S3      vaganas         vaganes         nevaganas       vaganates
P1      vaganama        vaganema        nevaganama      vaganatema
P2      vaganadu                vaganedu                nevaganadu      vaganatedu
P3      vaganast                vaganest                nevaganast      vaganatest


So this is til now, every opinion, correction appreciated!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for reading!

I lúme vin deí asi mosted!
May Heaven give you its grace!

Balazs Sudar <conlang@...>