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Re: Weakly vocab 3

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Wednesday, February 4, 2004, 6:56
> <<< > This is easy?
ene, tataka tayu?
> (i) Substuff: > > the man who talks
kaçut re çindi-- man REL talk (kaçut could be made definitely definite by adding the demonst. ya 'that/masc.' but it's easily omitted)
> the shirt that I want to buy
pilip re (yu) melo matraka -- shirt REL (it) want I-buy (the neut. sing. obj. pronoun yu is routinely omitted, but may be used)
> > (ii) Can you feel the difference?:
aka hapole açon çununi? ~ hapoleka açon çununi? Q 2s-can feel different-its ~ 2s-can-Q ......
Hayi, maçon, mowa kotani rakop; eneni, mawumitpo kota "amacan" uçoñi yuno moyoti. Yes, I feel it, but it's difficult to express; so, I just use the word "belief" in all examples.
> a belief that makes life acceptable
amacan re yarumek re (e) angayi yapoçami belief REL 3s-cause THAT (def) life 3s-able-tolerate (ya- is stuck onto rumek to avoid two r's in a row. poçami = tolerable; trans.verbs with the po- pfx. tend to be passive in meaning "able to be....ed") (I suspect there's a better way to say this phrase)
> the belief that she is still alive
amacan lire (iye) anje yakayi belief {with-respect-to-THAT} (she) still 3s-alive
> a belief that everyone shares
amacan re yuno ilama belief REL all 3pl-share
> > (iii) Hide & Seek: furi-finja > > Who is the man you will talk to?
Kari kaçut re ne haçindito? who man REL him/dat. you-speak-fut.
> What is the gift you will buy today?
Kandri amele re (yu) hatrakato letrayu? what (is) gift REL (it) 2s-buy-fut today?
> I saw the man who your brother told his wife his father was the Emperor of > Patagonia.
(Embeddings like this are impossible in Kash. Rephrased--) matikas(sa) kaçute re amani (yalesa) karumbatakoña, lusongi re mambreti yakota çindeyeni I-see(past) man-dat. REL father-his[not ambig.] (3s-be-past) duke+patakoña, according-to THAT brother-your 3s-say wife-dat.-his [this -ni is ambig.!!] But this is possible: matikas(sa) kaçute re çindeyeni yakota mambreti re amani (yalesa) karumbatakoña I-see-past man-dat REL wife-dat-his(not ambig.) 3s-say brother-your THAT father-his(now this is ambig.!) (was) duke-patakoña To avoid the ambiguities of the -ni possessive, you could insert the appropriate noun referent. (You would use yalesa if it was known that the E of P was dead. Instead of çinde, one could use kanjetre 'spouse, legally-declared partner', though it's ambig. as to gender) ena, tata lavi-omban