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Re: Tree writing [Was: Non-linear / full-2d writing systems?]

From:Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
Date:Saturday, May 7, 2005, 10:01

Patrick Littell <puchitao@...> writes:
>... > figure two languages with a slightly different noun-number-classifier order > wouldn't put up too many barriers, but SOV and VSO languages would have a > tough time "collaborating" in such a way. > > But a *tree* (or a more general directed acyclic graph) is independent of > the order in which one traverses it. >...
Very interesting! I myself have been struggling in the design of S2 mainly with the question of how to represent the underlying tree a) on paper, b) as a stream of phonemes. The design started with a tree, without a word order yet fixed. My question is, how you can stop the design of a conlang at the tree level when in fact people want to talk and read/write? You excluded talking from your experiment, so I restrict my question to this: how to represent an unordered set of children of a node in the tree on a sheet of paper without ordering/serialising them? Or do you want to use something like tree depth for ordering? I'm very curious about this, because, as I said, main work of S2 was about serialising trees. **Henrik


Patrick Littell <puchitao@...>